Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Facebook Jihad

ON A WEB SITE called Revolution Muslim, a woman named Talibah wrote the following post. Someone sent this to me saying these are the people who got Geert Wilders' page removed from Facebook.

Apparently they've got a kind of "Facebook Jihad" going on. They select specific people and block them (which must raise flags on Facebook's computer) and also to complain about something on the page. If enough people do it, I guess Facebook removes the page.

I'm posting this here because sometimes Revolution Muslim will remove a post after everybody sees it. Anyway, here is the post from

On facebook there are many trolls. I posted about one of them some time back. I like checking back to see if they still exist and so on. Well, this one has changed his name, as well as his profile. He was listed as Komrad Vinnieovich. He changed his name, and his profile info. He now calls himself Abdul Maajid. He has managed to gather a few Muslim friends. It just seems to me that if he wants to be friends with Muslims, why not simply revert?

He’s managed to garner a few Muslims on his list. PLEASE BE AWARE. Make others aware - spread this list around, insha'allah more people will know, more people will complain.

His profile is below along with a number of others. I suggest that everyone complain (fake profile) and block him.

Please be aware that this list is not complete, due to the fact that I’m extremely busy at this time. I will be adding to it, and I have a request for help at the bottom of this post. Many of these people work with MPJ, a hate site. Everyone on the list is anti-Muslim. Some are worse than others.

I started circulating this list on facebook via private messages, but this really needs to be seen. I am happy to report that a few of them had their profiles deleted already, including the "Rusty" of MPJ - due to all of YOUR efforts, jazak'Allah Khair to all of you!

To JAWA: Consider this our "Facebook Smackdown." ;-)

Darth Odie
Janet Smirkee
Star Geisz
Abdul Maajid (formerly Komrad Vinnieovich)
DrThomas Ahmed
Amerikee Sd Hunter
Jawa Numberfive
Robert Spencer
Stop islamization of America
Sam Lowry
Darwin Akbar
Bangladeshi Mohammed Jihadhead
Muhammad Templarton
Anthony Wolfie
Deepak 'hindustan' Sharma
Alex Hope
Andy Benham
Angela A Yeshua
Bruce Bawer
Charles Kastriot
Dale Forbe
Hirabist Hunter
Brooks William Kelley
Connie Brimmer
Nicholae Kzintius
Alain Hamblet
Ragnar Danneskjold
Jason Fields
Doug Gocl Wilinso VI
Hindustani Judah
Hts Englishdefenceleague
Israel Ishome
Jeff Badura

The next few my not be moles per se, but since they are listed as friends of them – I blocked them, but didn’t send a complaint.

Amitesh Thakur
Vinay Hindustani
Fap Fappington
Kohen Moshe Shlomo Rabinowitz-Finkelstein
Speedy Tube
Thomas Paine
Yehuda Shlomo Yudzkippah
'David Eriol Hickman' (David Eriol Lofgeornost Hickman)
Abu Booboo

These are the facebook groups a lot of them are on. If anyone knows any of the admins – and trusts them – it might be good to PM then and letting them know their groups are infiltrated.

The Jawa Report, Everybody Draw Mohammad Day - May 20th, 2010., Against Facebook's Deletion of "Everyone Draw Mohammed Day", TEA BAG THIS, JACKASS, Ace Of Spades, The Truth About Israel's Defensive Actions Against The Flotilla, Danneskjöld Repossessions, Mossad,
Infidels United, NO TO THE MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO, Anti Islam, Everybody Draw Mohammed, Everybody draw muhammed day May 20th (back up)., WOMEN OF THE WORLD UNITED AGAINST ISLAMIC/MUSLIM SHARIA LAW, FedUpUSA, Israel Newswire, I am AGAINST building a mosque in New York City!, English Defence League (EDL), Stand for Israel, Israel, I bet this 'Toilet paper' can get more fans than 'The Quran', Kick Obama Out in 2012, Kaaba Photos, England to Celebrate St George's Day, BRITISH SOLDIERS SUPPORTING THE ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE, OBAMA SUCKS KICK HIM OUT OF OFFICE!!, 1 Million Fan Petition to kick Obama out of Office!, We are the "March Of Honor" Flag Army, Flagging to Protect Our Troops, Westboro Baptist is Picketing Bon Jovi in Tampa 4/17!, Everybody Draw Mohammad Day - May 20th, 2010.
Infidels United, NO TO THE MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO, Anti Islam, Everybody Draw Mohammed, Everybody draw muhammed day May 20th (back up)., WOMEN OF THE WORLD UNITED AGAINST ISLAMIC/MUSLIM SHARIA LAW, FedUpUSA, Israel Newswire, I am AGAINST building a mosque in New York City!, English Defence League (EDL), Stand for Israel, Israel, I bet this 'Toilet paper' can get more fans than 'The Quran', Kick Obama Out in 2012, Kaaba Photos, England to Celebrate St George's Day, BRITISH SOLDIERS SUPPORTING THE ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE, OBAMA SUCKS KICK HIM OUT OF OFFICE!!, 1 Million Fan Petition to kick Obama out of Office!

Off FB sites:

If anyone would like to help with this endeavor, please contact me at HERE.

Your sister

1 comment:

  1. You Radical Muslims, and I say Radical because not all Muslims are radical, are spending all your energy on trying to silence others from simply exposing what the Qur'an states as well as the actions of many Muslims. Life is so short and yet you waste your time with such miniscule things. I don't care what religion one follows as long as you treat others with respect, tolerance, compassion and dignity. Violence begets violence, which I see you obviously have no problem with. No, I don't hate Muslims. I actually have a number of Muslim friends who practice their religion and live under the laws of the U.S. They are peaceful loving Muslims. But I do hate the radical politicial ideology that some Muslims prescribe to, which are clearly stated in the Qur'an. People like yourselves create the chaos in your world. You attract that negative energy by your words and actions. That's very sad. Not only do Radical Muslims or any person who follows a religion for that matter, believe in something they cannot prove for sure, but they are also killing others for it. How ignorant is that. There is no God that would create mankind and all that is beautiful in this world and command him to kill anyone whon doesn't believe exactly what they believe. To believe in God is one thing, but religion was man made. Just because hat it says in this book is to be true doesn't make it true. Understand, you all have your movement, which is to Islamize the world, and we have our movement, to expose Radical Islam and educate others by having them read the Qur'an, Ther Hadiths and Sharia Law. If you don't stop trying to change the west, another crusade will rise up and you will once again, be very sorry for forcing our hand.
