The following was written by Roy White, Chapter Coordinator for ACT! for America in San Antonio, Bexar, and Kendall:
all know of plenty of examples of the bias in social studies textbooks
revealed by various groups and individuals. Concerned Tennessee citizens
formed a group called Textbook Advocates that conducted reviews of over 50 textbooks that can be found here.
Many of those errors involved Islam to include incomplete information
on Muhammad, overstating Islam’s influence and simple disparity in
word/sentence count on discussions of Islam versus other religions.
Their findings are not surprising to readers of Citizen Warrior and
others who follow this topic.
The cleverly named, The Textbook Tattler
was published to provide citizens with a synopsis of the typical errors
found. It is likely these same errors are found in many of the
textbooks found in states around the country. Tennessee’s efforts
resulted in the current methodology of textbook selection to be under review
and will most likely be replaced in the next legislative session. Their
landmark success has inspired others to follow their lead including a
group in Texas.
In early 2014 Texas begins the process
of reviewing Social Studies textbooks that will be used for the 2015-16
school year. A group called “Truth in Texas Textbooks” or “Triple T”
have begun recruiting volunteers from inside of Texas and outside who
would be willing to help review the Social Studies textbooks that will
be submitted by publishers.
Over 48 million textbooks
are sold in Texas alone! This is a huge contract for publishers.
Estimates range from 50-80% of school districts in the nation choose the
same textbooks as those used in Texas schools. Publishers know, what
sells in Texas will lead to millions of dollars in other states!
purpose of TTT is simple, to provide Social Studies textbooks that are
truthful and factual that meet the Texas Education Knowledge Standards
(TEKS) as defined here. Fortunately Texas has put in place a well-defined set of standards that were recently updated with this resolution on eliminating the pro-Islamic/anti-Christian bias found in the current social studies textbooks.
will not simply focus on eliminating this bias but many other “PC”
related themes that are so often found in textbooks today. We are not
affiliated with any other NPO or national organization but are
independent and have reached out to groups and individuals around the
country (including Tennessee) for volunteers who are willing to help us.
The long-term goal would be to have one site, such as
be the single depository of these textbook reviews being done around
the country so teachers, parents, advocates can have a single one stop
shopping place to go and see a consolidated list of reviews of
Publishers get away with their PC tainted
textbooks because in the past groups around the country didn’t talk to
each other or communicate their findings. Building on what Tennessee has
done Texas wishes to continue this movement to put these reviews, along
with others, in the public domain at a single website that will give
information to everyone who is interested.
advocacy groups weren’t effective until they banded together against
the tobacco companies and shared the data from all their findings. TTT
wishes to take the same approach.
The most effective
method for having an impact on your children’s textbooks may very well
lie on not focusing on your own local school or state but helping Texas
adopt the most accurate and factual textbooks which will in turn be
likely to show up in your own school district. Additionally you can go
through a process with other like-minded individuals who can help you
learn the process for conducting reviews.
online project management tools, conference calls, use of webinars and
other methods will be used to coordinate the efforts of those interested
in volunteering. It doesn't matter where you live, you can help Texas
and in turn help millions of other children around the country by
joining TTT and volunteering. Please share this with teachers, active
and retired who are tired of teaching inaccurate or misleading
For those interested in serving on the TTT review team, please email
and get on the mailing list. You will be asked to complete a survey of
interest, experience and level of commitment to the effort. TTT will
conduct training beginning in early 2014 to provide reviewers with
materials and templates of the best practices found among those experts
who review textbooks. If you want to stop the spread of PC myths
disguised as facts in social studies textbooks and
pro-Islamic/anti-Judeo-Christian biases then please join the TTT team.
for experts in the field of US government, history, world history,
civics, constitutional law, world history, geography are some of the
specific knowledge sets that are needed. Advanced degrees or self-taught
are the same to TTT; your knowledge and effort in this endeavor will
benefit millions of children for years to come.
Roy White, Chapter Coordinator
ACT! for America San Antonio, Bexar, Kendall
Twitter: @ACTBexar
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